Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving and Marie

I've had a hell of a couple of weeks, so here are some random photos from some of the happier times. This is Gavin's birthday party, and some photos from Thanksgiving. One of my good friends came up from Oregon to be with me during this time. We had a pretty good talk and I'm grateful to her for her support and unconditional love of me and my family. I especially appreciated Marie for all her advice and helping me laugh again. Love you honey!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Harvest Festival

I decided last year that I would volunteer for the PTO, and I am now the Hospitality Cooridinator. A couple months ago I volunteered to be in charge of the Harvest Festival and what an undertaking that has been. Last night was the fiesta and what a fiesta it was. The highlight for me was the pie in the face booth which Dustin volunteered to be our victim. He was such a good sport about it. Mimi and Dominic also voluteered to be victims. So hilarious, I'm still cracking up. We had hot dogs and chili, caramel apples, popcorn balls and cider. It was so fun! My generous ex husband Stacy came and ran the face painting booth since he is an incredible artist and his wife Allison helped man the old time photo booth. She was a sport being 7 months pregnant to help out like she did...LOVE HER!!! Dustin and I did a photo in the booth so as soon as we get that, I will post it...should be interesting. The kids did one too, now that one will be GREAT! So now I am heading up to McCall to decompress from this crazy couple of months I've had!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gavin Turns this weekend!

This is my little Gavin...or Gavino as he is known in some circles. I love him so much. He's head strong, beautiful smile, loves to laugh and has brought me more pain and joy then I ever thought possible. He keeps me on my toes and loves his Mommy. Sorry for all the pictures, but its hard to pick just a few!